Thinking and acting positively
It is becoming increasingly clear that the cause of many illnesses is related to an unhealthy lifestyle, often accompanied by certain emotions. A sudden attack of hay fever, rash, or the onset of rheumatism is often the result of an emotional trauma from a few days earlier. Contemporary psycho-neuroimmunology shows interactive connections between the mind, nervous, and immune systems. These are chemical interactions in which small molecules are information carriers from one cell to another. The nervous, immune, and endocrine systems are in constant biochemical contact. Depression and emotions such as sadness can affect immunity, but the reverse is equally true: being happy can strengthen immunity. Positive thinking isn’t just great but also necessary for your health. Sometimes, reading an exciting book, listening to music, or making time for yourself is good. Doing positive things for your family, friends, or the community will make negative thoughts disappear quickly and make you feel good.