When my book “Healthy on the Inside, Beautiful on the Outside” was published in 2002, my publisher took a risk. Although Hippocrates said centuries ago that nutrition was the best medicine, my advocacy of healthy eating and nutritional medicine as “medicine of the future” was considered “alternative” or even “dangerous. Along with much encouragement, I received criticism. ‘Stay in your lane’ was one of the many comments. The criticism came mainly from people in the fashion world. They told me it’s not up to a fashion designer to make health statements. However, I continued on the path I had embarked on and continued my search for the core of what health is. The book became a bestseller and was reprinted up to seven times. It was translated into English and French, even Thai. From the beginning, the support and encouragement from the medical community strengthened my belief that I was on the right track. As a passionate layman, I dared to contact top United States, Great Britain, and Scandinavia scientists who were as honest, independent, and passionate about healthy nutrition as I was.